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Action / Thriller Poetries


Tuesday, July 26, 2011

A Body Made For Sin by Southern Comfort

I am the Delta Queen,
I have been on my own, since I was sixteen.
I sell my body, just to survive,
As one man leaves my room, another arrives.
Oh Please don't ask me why I'm here,
I am just another fallen woman, that a wife fears.
What she refuses to give her man,
For money I will and so can.
Many a man has laid upon my ivory, rose scented breasts,
While I soothe his mind and grant him happiness.
I stroke male egos and other parts,
But when his time is up, I want him to depart. Click here to read in detail.

A Dividing Wall by Abdi-Noor Haji Mohamed (Eagle Of Hope)

I see an invisible psychological wall
Separating hearts of love in a family
As the young integrate with the Swedish
sending new roots in their new environs Click here to read in detail.

For more action / thriller poems, please visit here.

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